It Lives!

I'll keep this short because it's very late and I really have to go to bed...

So, I have successfully built everything and zipped it and got it running in the browser in the itch page. So very happy about that. Even have a bit of music!

So, I spent most of my time today trying to export animation for Robot. I got a reasonable amount down the road, but ran into a wall trying to get the three.js AnimationMixer working. I tested the model on the official glTF viewer, so I know that the animations exported properly and look OK, so just have to figure out how to use them.

Big restructure of my factbase stuff. Instead of doing the "referentially transparent" thing, just hacked all that out so that I'm using STORE (global variable) automatically. Also streamlined my ?v accessor using JavaScript Array.Prototype.find(). Very important to keep in mind that I'm actually writing JavaScript, just with Lisp syntax.

Now loading in descriptions for non-kitten items, although I do need to maybe shuffle them first. 

Also got some very rudimentary motion controls going for Robot. Up and down arrow to accelerate and brake (or reverse). Left and right to go left and right. It's very confusing at the moment, but at least it does something...

Files 1 MB
Oct 24, 2023

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